Idea Development

Concept development and testing is a crucial stage in the new product or service development. It takes place early on in the process and helps to identify key perceptions, user needs and wants associated with the product or service.

Our Concept development approach involves coming up with a detailed description of your idea, explained from the perspective of your customer. We typically highlight the best features of the proposed solutions in terms of;

  • Convenience
  • Usability
  • Quality
  • Functionality
  • Performance
  • Price
  • Values
  • Experience

When developing a new product or service, it is common to work with a large number of concepts and only develop the select few that show the most promise, that’s where Chainconsults comes in. We narrow down the concepts using our data analytics systems and give you a blueprint for your idea. We do the following for your product;

  • Describe it from your customers' point of view
  • List features and benefits of your product that may appeal to customers
  • Research and determine your target audience
  • Conduct focus groups and thorough market research
  • Consider resources required for designing, manufacturing and delivering the product

We help you assess the customer reaction to your proposed product or service prior to introducing it to the market. It typically involves surveying potential users for their opinions on the concept. For example, you may want to ask them:

  • Are they interested in the product ?
  • How much do they like the product ?
  • How desirable do they find the product's features ?
  • What features do they like most/least ?
  • How well would the product compare to other brands or similar product ?
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